Petite Sleep Academy Blog
5 Signs it’s Time to Drop a Nap and 5 Steps on How to do it.
5 Common Signs Baby is Ready to Drop a Nap How do you know when you little one is ready to drop a nap? Here are 5 common signs it might be time. 1. Baby is the appropriate age to drop a nap: ⭐ 4-5 months (4 naps ⮚ 3 naps) ⭐ 6-7 months (3 naps ⮚ 2 naps) ⭐ 13-18 months...
Petite Sleep Academy
Exhausted? Overwhelmed on how to improve your child's sleep? Parenthood look different than you thought it would? Check, Check and Check. I have walked in your shoes. I have struggled those struggles. Now, I help families take BACK their nights and nap time to defeat sleep deprivation and build a healthy foundation for successful sleep for years to come.
© 2024 Petite Sleep Academy
Petite Sleep Academy does not offer medical advice, medical services, or medical treatments to its clients. If you are concerned about a medical issue related to your child, please contact your doctor or pediatrician immediately.