Halloween Fun, Safety & Sleep

Halloween Fun, Safety & Sleep

Halloween Fun, Safety and Sleep I love that Halloween kicks off the “holiday season.” Such a fun tradition to start off the cavity-breeding that is the final months of the year. Hold on to your waistband, from this point on the rest of the year will...
5 Ways to Get an Extra Hour a Day

5 Ways to Get an Extra Hour a Day

5 Ways to Get an Extra Hour a Day We could all use an extra hour in our day, especially to reclaim some “me” time. You probably don’t even realize you HAVE an extra hour or two already! You just aren’t using it productively. Because let’s face it… we can all find an...
Top Tips for New Parents

Top Tips for New Parents

Are you a new parent? Welcome to the party!! A baby changes everything, so let’s get to the REAL talk. Below are my Top Tips for new parents. The things I wish someone told me to help manage my expectations for the newborn phase. 1. There is NO baby manual. The...